Jewish Holidays

Proud JEWS

Proud JEWS jemerman

Right before Sukkot, I noticed the word "JEW" carved into my sidewalk. I began to grind out the word, but rather decided to replace the space by adding "Proud JEWs" to the sidewalk.

Broadcasting the Miracle of Fat Liberation

Broadcasting the Miracle of Fat Liberation jemerman

At Fat Torah, Hanukkah is our favorite holiday. Hanukkah in particular is a holiday that celebrates fat. On Hanukkah, we remember that miraculous oil that was meant to only last for one day and ended up lighting the rededicated Temple in Jerusalem for eight days. Eating foods fried in oil, in fat, is a key part of this commemoration.


Winterfaith jemerman

"Winterfaith" seems a much more apt description for me than "interfaith." We're not observing two religions; I was raised Jewish, and my partner was not. Together, we are raising our children as Jewish campers, and even after 15+ years of our relationship, 11 of which with at least one child, the winter holidays are when our "interfaith" background proves to be the most challenging.

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